There are lots of great technology blogs out there, so what do I hope to achieve?

Welcome to the first post in my new blog. I have no idea how many people will read this, so I have no real agenda for what audience to aim for, or any of the things I should probably do to get a following! Basically, I am going to start by having a conversation with myself, to try and get some of the ideas I have, and questions that occur, out onto "paper" as a means of organising my thoughts and tracking their development.
I'm an antennas and microwave devices engineer, so this blog will inevitably be "techy"!
I'll give you fair warning now, future reader who is not me! I'm an antennas and microwave devices engineer, so this blog will inevitably be "techy"! I'll try and strike a balance between the technical details and the general themes, though.
What themes will I cover?
Essentially, I will cover anything in my research interests!
More specifically, I expect to do the majority around applications, such as the smart home, wearables for health, and autonomous vehicles. I may do the odd "introduction to..." for some of the research areas, and maybe the odd post about general science/technology issues, like reproducibility of published research. There may also be occasional "thinking out loud" posts about problems I have encountered in my day-to-day work, where I can share such details.