This is my website, where I maintain my own record of my professional activities. Within this site, you can find a description of my research, a list of my publications and details about my other professional activities. I also have pages giving an overview of some of the research topics (which will be added to as time goes on), and news articles that announce new publications, or offer more in-depth or discussion of specific aspects of research topics.
In the near future, I hope to include PDFs of my publications, where possible, and links to the full paper where this is not allowed for copyright reasons. I also plan to introduce some more background material on aspects of my research, via a blog-type section.
Please note: this is a new version of the site, now hosted by Wix. It will not display correctly on mobile devices yet!
In the meantime, you can see me on Twitter or LinkedIn.
External Databases and Networks
You can find my publications on Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearcherID, ResearchGate, Mendeley, Kudos, Academia.edu and LinkedIn (both coming soon!), by following the links below (Academia.edu and Mendeley are slowly catching up with the others, in terms of the content; LinkedIN has least content). I am thinking about adding the Scopus page, even though it is mostly populated though Mendeley (both are Elsevier products) and it is already linked to my ORCID ID, as is my ResearcherID.
I try to help these systems find my papers where possible, but none are guaranteed to be full listings at any given point in time. ORCID, Google Scholar and ResearchGate tend to be the ones updating quickest.